Message for Class of 2020

TUJ Board of Overseers
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration

Dear TUJ Class of 2020:

Congratulations! Although I’m sure your graduation day doesn’t look or feel like what you imagined, this does not detract from your accomplishments, nor should it dampen your joy.

You graduate at a moment of grave challenge – but a moment also of great promise. The world is buffeted by pandemic, economic crisis, and entrenched injustice. But in response to these challenges, we see a heartening upwelling of voices calling for change – and of activists working for more democratic, fair, and inclusive societies worldwide. With the rigorous global education you’ve received at TUJ, there is no one better equipped than you to be the change the world needs. Wherever your promise takes you in life, you will bring with you the ability to analyze problems, create solutions, and partner with others to make things better. The torch has been passed to your generation – and I know you will carry it high and far. Gambatte kudasai.

Mark Davidson
Board of Overseers
Temple University Japan

Mark Davidson