Congratulations! Class of 2020

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  • TUJ Class of 2020


TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
This message is to congratulate and honor the Class of 2020. To paraphrase Charles Dickens, your year was the best of times and the worst...
Bruce Stronach
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Many congratulations to the International Affairs majors! It’s not been the end to your studies at TUJ that any of us hoped for and some...
International Affairs
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Congratulations Class of 2020! A shame that I cannot congratulate you all in person, but I just want to say how proud we are of...
General Studies
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Congratulations, Class of 2020! It's been our pleasure working with you. You made it! You are now ready to step into the next phase of...
Kentaro Sawa
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Class of 2020! Congratulations on your well-deserved success. I can see how hard it was and how difficult to work and study. You sacrificed sleep...
Alice Mayumi Kitaoka
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Dear Class of 2020 Art Majors, Hooray to you! Congratulations on graduating in these difficult times. We’re so proud of your creativity and criticality, And how...
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
To the TUJ Psychological Studies Majors, Class of 2020! We've enjoyed sharing this learning experience with you over the last few years and wish you...
Psychological Studies
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Congratulations, Class of 2020! What you have achieved would have been a major accomplishment during any era. Getting through the rigors of all the classes,...
George Miller
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Congratulations Economics Majors! Your hard work, perseverance and diligence have paid off. Although many new challenges and opportunities are still ahead of you, us and...
Class of 2020
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Dear Yudai, since you were born until TUJ graduation time flew like a blink of eye! We went through so many things but overcame together,...
Class of 2020
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
I am lucky to have these cool peeps that I call brothers. BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER FATHER !!! #WAKANDAFOREVER
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
The great jazz trumpeter Miles Davis once said, “Do not fear mistakes. There are none.” Today’s graduating class leaves the classroom and embarks on an...
Communication Studies
TUJ Faculty and Staff
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
The faculty is proud of you. You should be proud of yourself. I imagine you are also concerned. 2020 has been so unprecedented, so unexpected....
William J. Swinton, International Business Studies
Class of 2020
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
2020届的同学们: 衷心祝贺大家顺利毕业,即将奔向无量的前程!祝愿各位实现理想,成为服务社会的栋梁之才,创造人类更美好的未来!—— 孙老师 卒業おめでとうございます!今までの学生生活で学んだすべては社会人になっても役に立つことだらけです。夢へ向かって大きく羽ばたいてください。応援しています。日本語コース教員一同 여러분들의 졸업을 진심으로 축하 드립니다. 코로나 바이러스로 어느 때보다 힘든 학교 생활을 보낸 여러분들은 앞으로 그 어떤 역경이 와도 잘 이겨...
Ryoko Osada
Class of 2020
TUJ Class of 2020 Celebration
Querido sobrinho, o caminho foi longo mas , VOCÊ CONSEGUIU !!! PARABENS !!! Mas o pior está por vir , espero que não se esqueça...
Yuji Ino
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